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"Filtering Out The Facts: A Deep Dive into Chemical Filters"

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"Filtering Out The Facts: A Deep Dive into Chemical Filters"


The problem of corrosion and odor contamination in industrial environment at manyfactories. it is not caused by a single factor and can not be resolved by a single solution.

SEMl standard F21-95 provides a method of classifying microelectronic cleanrooms withrespect to Airbore Molecular Contamination(AMC)levels. This is for gas phasecontaminants,analogous to Federal standard 209E for particulate contamination.SEMstandard F21-95 classifies a cleanroom based upon the category of the gas-phasecontaminant,and the allowable concentration level for each category.

The four categories of gas-phase contaminants:

1.Acids(category A):

Corrosive gases which react chemically as acids (an electronacceptor)

2.Bases(category B):Corrosive qasses which react chemically as bases (an electron donor)

3.Condensables (category C):Contaminants whose boiling point are typically above room temperature and arecapable of condensing on the wafer surface.

4.Dopants (category D):

Contaminants that modify the electrical properties of semiconductor material.

The SEMl F21-95 classification is identified by the letter “M",followed by the categorydesignator,then the allowable contaminant concentration in part per trilion(ppt).Folexample,a classification of MA-10is interpretedas having a maximum allowableconcentration of 10 ppt of all acid gases in the room air.

Classification of Airborne Molecular Contaminants

Material Category 1 ppt 10 ppt 100 ppt 1,000 ppt 10,000 ppt
Acids MA-1 MA-10 MA-100 MA-1000 MA-10,000
Bases MB-1 MB-10 MB-100 MB-1000 MB-10,000
Condensables MC-1 MC-10 MC-100 MC-1000 MC-10,000
Dopants MD-1 MD-10 MD-100 MD-1000 MD-10,000

 "SEMlF21-95:Classification of Airborne Molecular Contaminant Levels in CleanEnvironments".1 ppb=1,000 ppt,and 1ppm=1,000,000 ppt.

The allowable AMC (airborne molecular contaminants) concentration depends uponthe class of cleanroom,the process used,and the equipment employed.

Projected AMC limits for the 0.25 um Process

Process Step MAX Sit Time MA(ppt) MB (ppt) MC (ppt) MD (ppt)
Pre-gateoxidation 4 hrs 13,000 13,000 1,000 0.1
Salicidation 1 hrs 180 13,000 35,000 1,000
Contact Formation 24 hrs 5 13,000 2,000 100,000
DUV Photorithagraphy 2 hrs 10,000 1,000 100,000 10,000

Typical Contaminants and Concentrations in Cleanroom

Category Contaminants


Low                                                                 High


Hydrochloric Acid 20,000 400,000
Hydrofluoric Acid 40,000 250,000
Nitric Acid 20,000 250,000
Sulfuric acid 10,000 300,000
Phosphoric acid 10,000 400,000
Acetic acid 10,000 250,000
Nitrogen dioxide 30,000 300,000
Sulfur dioxide 10,000 150,000


Ammonia 10,000 200,000
NMP 20,000 300,000


Acetone 20,000 500,000
Toluene 10,000 250,000


Boric acid ND 200,000
Phosphor ous ND 5,000
Arsine ND 50,000

Four main techniques for controlling odor and gas contaminants:masking,combustion,.ventilation and removal.Media pellets are used to control gas contaminants by adsorp-tion and oxidation.Chemical filter can be removed molecular contaminants by adsorbingand absorbing principles.

To purify air by elimianting particulate material,gaseous and vaporous compoundParticulate filters do not have the effective on undesirable gases and vapors.

When gaseous or liquid molecules reach the surface of an adsorbent and remain withoutany chemical reaction,the phenomenon is called physical adsorption or physisorption.

The carbon can be impregnated with other chemicals to improve certain gases of lowadsorptive capacity by untreated carbon.These chemicals react with the gases to reducethe contaminant concentration.

Another way to delete specific gases is to catch and react with them.This process is calledchemisorption.

Many adsorptive materials are available;each of them with special affinity for certainvapors.

The surface area increased when the dimensions of carbon are getting smaller.The particlesize can be very small,even though it just becomes carbon dust.lt also creates problems ofescaping into the air steam,or packing tightly caused high pressure drop. The optimal sizemust be determined by experimentation.

In molecular contaminant system,initial contaminant removal efficiency doesn' t depend onweight,carbon particle size,and carbon activity,Total surface area and surface chemistry aretwo important parameters for determining initial efficiency.

If air pollution is very humid (like on a rainy day),the moisture can be adsorbed competitivelywith targeted contaminated gases for carbon capacity,However.f the reaction ischemisorbed,moisture can increase reaction rapidly.

Temperature also can affect the rate of adsorption when temperature is gettinghigher.it is harder to attract the contaminants to the carbon.

Three types of filter systems are available which offer some level of AMC removalCarbon slurry coated type,Carbon tray and Carbon loaded web in pleated form.

Carbon slurry coated type(Polysorb Activated Carbon Media):are typically coated powder carbon with adhesive into foam or nonwoven.


Carbon tray type:usually loaded larger pellets of carbon in 1-3 inch deep trays.

Chemical-Filter (2)

Cabon loaded web in pleated torm:smaller granulated carbon is physically boundin pleated non-woven media.

Introduction to the principles of chemical filters

The comparison of three types of chemical filters is as follows.

PerformanceParameter Carbon Slurry CoatedFilter
Carbon Tray Carbon loadedWeb in pleated form
Low Pressure Drop  + - +
Carbon Weight - + + + + +
0ptimal Carbon Size + - + + + +
0verallAdsorptionPerformance  - - - + + + +
Low Dust 
+ - - + +
Ability of Pleated + N/A + + + +
Easy Replacement + - - +

Carbon slurry coated type:(Polysorb Activated Carbon Media)




Carbon Slurry Coated Type Performance Data

Carbon Slurry Coated Type Performance Data

Custom sizes available

Tray type Chemical Filter

(Media Type)

MM-1000 is composed of activated aluminum(Al₂O₃)impregnated with potassiumpermanganate (KMnO₄).The aluminum adsorbs moisture and odor. For example:H₂S+KMnO₄:+H₂O→K₂SO₄+KOH+MnO₂,+H₂O·K₂SO₄, KOH,and MnO₂ are solids and exist inpellet.

MM-3000 consists of activated carbon,physical adsorption removes the gas moleculesActivated carbon is used for removing wide range of contaminants with higher affinity tospecific gases.

MM-7000 consists of activated carbon impregnated with phosphoric acid.lt enhancesefficiecy and capacity for base type molecular contaminants.After adsorption,thecontaminants are neutralized by chemical reaction.

MM-9000 consists of activated carbon impregnated with potassium hydroxide. it en.hances efficiency and capacity for acid type molecular contaminants.After adsorptioncontaminants are neutralized by chemical reaction.





Type MM-1000 MM-3000 MM-7000 MM-9000

Ingredient of Material

4% Potassium Permanganate+Aluminum Oxide Activated Carbon 10% Phosphoric Acid + Carbon 5-10%Potassium Hydroxide +Carbon
Moisture(wt%) 15 2 15 15
Crush Test(wt%) 32 - - -
Hardness(wt%) - 95 95 95
Particle Diameter(mm) 3.5(6 mesh) 3 4 3
Substrate Surface Area (m²/g) 250 1000 1000 1000
Shape Spherical Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet
Apparent Density(g/cc) 0.8(50 lb/ft⊃3;) (30 lb/ft⊃3;) 0.8(50 lb/ft⊃3;) 0.55((35lb/ft⊃3;)
H₂S Capacity(min)
0.1g H₂S/cc -

0.05g NH₃/cc

0.15g H₂S/cc
Substrate CTC(wt%) - 60 60 60
Pressure Drop@50fpm 1.0“w.g./ft of bed 1.7“w.g./ft of bed 1.8“w.g./ft of bed 1.7“w.g./ft of bed

The comparison of various adsorbents for removing various gases and vapors

A:Regular activated carbon

B:Potassium permanganate plus based material

C:Activated carbon coated with potassium hydroxide

2 6
Ozone 10 2 10
Nitrogen dioxide 6 4 9
Nitric acid 6 6 9
Acid /corrosive gases(HCI,HF, chlorine) 0 0 8
H,S(odor and corrosive gas) 1 8 10
S0,(odor and corrosive gas) 7 8 9
Organic Sulfur (odor and corrosive vapor) 5 8 9


Standard trays are in cold rolled steel black baked finished, optional stainless steel orepoxy coated trays.

Standard Tray Size

SIZE Weight of Chemisorbant
24*24*1" 4kg
24*24*2" 8.5kg
12*24*2" 2kg
12*24*2" 4kg

Flow Rate vs.Pressure Drop

 Single tray

Flow Rate vs.Pressure Drop Single tray

Flow Rate(CFM)

Side Access Adsorbent Tray Housing :

It's similar to the housing of particulate filters,except it contains a series of offset tracksthe trays are installed into the tracks in horizontal position to form the V shape.it's alsostructure included a 2 inch deep W-Pre disposable pleated filter to provide someprotection from particulate contamination.

Chemical-Filter introduction (2)




The capacity index has the following meaning:

4  High capacity for all materials in this cat-egory. One pound takes up about 20% to50% of its own weight-average about 1/3(33-1/3%).This category includes mostof the odor causing substances.

3  Satisfactory capacity for all items in this ca-tegory.These constitute goods applic-ations but the capacity is not as high as forcategory 4.Absorbs about 10 to 25% of itsweight-average about 1/6(16.7%)

2  Includes substances which are not high-ly adsorbed but which might be taken upsufficiently to give good service underthe particular conditions of operation. Theserequire individual checking.

1 Adsorption capacity is low for these ma-terials. Activated chacoal cannot be satisfactorily used to remove them underordinary circumstances.

* For the asterisked compounds,retreated carbon orMM-1000,MM-7000,MM-9000 will greatly increasethe adsorption ability.

DSX is a professional manufacturer of chemical filters, specializing in the production of composite filters that effectively eliminate corrosive gases and unpleasant odors in various environments. Our cutting-edge technology and expertise enable us to provide tailored solutions for a wide range of filtration needs. We take pride in offering top-notch technical support to ensure the success of our customers. Contact us today for all your filtration requirements.

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Email: nancy@shdsx.com
Add:No.18 of East Tongxin Road, TaihuNew Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City.Jiangsu Province, China




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